Profile detail - VA6319

Personal Details

Profile ID : VA6319

Name : Anju P
Age : 29 yrs
Gender : Female
Marital Status : Unmarried
Mother tongue : Malayalam
Height : 168cm
Weight : 68kg
Residence district : Kannur
Native city & district : Chakkarakkal , Kannur
About me : Father is Rtd.telecom officer,mother LPSchool teacher,brother asst manager in IDBI Bank.

Education & Occupation

Education Details : PG Professional, MSC in horticulture, Fruit Science
Occupation : Agriculture Officer, Krishi Bhavan (Govt.)
Workplace :
Annual Income : 6-8 Lakh

Family Details

Father's occupation : Retired-Telecom Officer
Mother's occupation : LP School Teacher
Brothers : 1-IDBI Bank
Sisters : 0
Financial status : Middle class

Horoscope Details

Time of birth : 2.23am
Horoscope : yes
Desa balance : 12.5.19 സ

Partner preference

Partner age : 27 to 32
Partner residing city :
Partner martial Status : Unmarried
Partner education : Professional degree, pg
Partner occupation : Govt., Bank, Medical sector, Engineer etc.
Partner workplace : any